lundi 23 avril 2007

300 - The TRAILER

Je n'ai vu le film qu'en VO, j'ai donc décidé de la respecter (enfin, presque ^^) pour ce trailer qui n'appellera pas à un texte complet ! C'est juste pour le fun. J'attendrais le DVD pour écouter la VF qui, j'en suis sûr, me donnera d'autres occasions de rigoler :-D

Inspired by the bourrine comic of Franck Miller…

Leonidas – Spartans ! Tonight, we dine IN HELL !!!!

Spartan – Oh shit, not the MacDonald again !

A story about honor…

Leonidas – Are you fucking crazy ??? You son of a bi*ch are coming threating MY PEOPLE in MY CITY breathing MY AIR insulting MY QUEEN ( accessoirement my wife ) and walking upon MY GERANIUMS ??? You know what you emissary of my ass ??? I Fuck your fucking Xerxès and… what ? repeat of “fuck” ?? Sorry, but I don’t’ write the script. You’re right, the writer is a looser, hey, you athenian boy-lover, come here and write me another dialogue !!

Emissary – What sort of one ?

Leonidas – I don’t know… I could share you a cup of coffee, alright ? ( Leonidas gives him a cup of coffee) It s’ good for our athletic bodies, héhé ! You taste it sweet ?

Emissary – (sluuuurp) But… You sportsmen drink a coffee with suggar ??? This is MADNESS !!!

Leonidas – You dickhead !! THIS ! IS ! ASPARTAME !!!

A story about royal relationship…

Queen – Come back with your shield, or on it !

Leonidas – Do you realy want that I copy Orlando Bloom who surfed on it in Two Towers ???

A story about power…

Xerxès comes in the back of Leonidas. The Spartan take his shield between them, fearing for his popotin.

Leonidas *please, Gods, don’t bring me the shame with this grande tantouze of the Gay Pride just behind me* ( serring les fesses )

Xerxès moitié at poil – You know, in fact they feared my divine god.


Leonidas *angoisse* – Euh… what’s this noise on my shield ??

A story about glory…

Leonidas – No Spartan will die today !!!

Spartans – AAA-OOOUUUH !!!!!

Leonidas – Better ! We will kick their ass to the Immortals Legions !!

Spartans – AAA-OOOOOOUUUH !!!!


Spartans – …..

Dilios – Heu… dear friend… just eat another apple, alright ?

A story about freedom…

Leonidas – A new Age has begun ! An Age of Freedom for everybody in Greece !!!

Dilios – And what about our personnal slaves ?

Leonidas – Shut off.

But first, a story of blood !

Persian – The thousant Nations of the Persian Empire descend upon you !!! You’re already dead !!!!

Maximus – This sentence is mine SCOUITCH

Leonidas – Hey, you’re dead, it was my job !

Dilias showing his sword – No, it was mine !

Spatans takins their speers – NO ! OURS !!!

Persian army – What are we waiting for ?

Coward Persian General – Relax, and wait a minute, this is strategy.

Let us show you the Great Battle of the Tchernobyl…


Spartan – Did you really have a train to catch ?

The Story of the 300…

Leonidas – Before this battle is over, the whole world’ll know that 300 Spartans defended and died for freedom !!!

Dilias – Hum, I a have some poussière in the eye, I should better return to Sparta and…

Leonidas – But we won't be 300 anymore !!!!!

Dilias – Oh, yes you did, think about this : you have 300 bodygards and yourself, right ? So we are 301, this is not a good number to remember in the History, I sould better go back, so you have 299 Spartans + You, you’re 300, héhé.

Leonidas – It’s cowardness !!

Dilias – It’s mathematic.

"They Fear my divine god" TONK "What's this noise on my shield ?"

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Bon certes c'est très drôle, bon certes certains jeux de mots en référence au film en VO m'ont fait mourir de rire (bien trouvé, le coup de l'aspartame ^^) mais PITIE, PITIE, les fautes de grammaire ! Ca fait mal dans mes yeux d'étudiante en anglais ^^ Envoie-moi le script par mail que je te le corrige, PITIE !! Tu peux pas laisser ça sur internet à la vue de tous !!!
(Non j'exagère pas du tout ^^)

Williaam Anaaïs a dit…

alors là mon petit clone je ne peux rien dire, vu que je ne comprends pas un mot d'anglais...

Anonyme a dit…

Ohoh, it's so good :p

I love English ^^


Spartans – ….."

*yum yum*

What's the adress of "Hell" I would like to eat there ^^

"fearing for his popotin"

Juste one thing to say my Clone, Splendid ^^

Euh.. And.. you must love K-maro with your "frenglish" :d *fuck*
I can't help you :( ^^

Anonyme a dit…

Arf, excellente parodie ^^

Bonne idée d'avoir fait ça (presque^^) entièrement en anglais, ça rend bien. :)
